Consumer Law

A Lawsuit Is Filed in Rhode Island to Protect Roe v. Wade From Being Overturned

Three lawsuits were filed last week in New York, Michigan and Rhode Island to protect Roe v. Wade from being overturned, and firmly establish the Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) in the United States Constitution.

The plaintiff, The Elizabeth Cady Stanton Trust, filed the lawsuits to affirm that women are fully equal citizens under the U.S. Constitution, and are entitled to full and Equal Protection of all laws. Stanton was a leading women’s rights activist in the 1800s, whose leadership led to women winning the right to vote in 1920. The Trust’s president, Coline Jenkins, is the great great granddaughter of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Jenkins explained that the lawsuits were filed because “only with full Equal Protection of all laws can women’s right to choose be protected.”

Attorney Amy Rice, who filed in Rhode Island, added, “In the year 2022, it is unconscionable that officials in D.C. have taken steps to prevent the ERA from being added to our Constitution, and that they would seek to deny women the basic human right to full equality under the law, especially considering what’s going on with the Supreme Court right now. Women need equality more than ever to ensure that they receive equal treatment by all courts at all times, including the Supreme Court of the United States.”

Read the source article at What’s Up Newp

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