Black San Francisco Employees File Discrimination Lawsuits Against the City

(TNS) — Three Black San Francisco employees filed a class-action lawsuit Wednesday against the city, accusing agencies of failing to provide Black workers with equal employment opportunities and prevent discrimination.
The plaintiffs work in the Municipal Transportation Agency, the Department of Public Health, and the Public Utilities Commission. The lawsuit alleges they were paid less than non-Black colleagues, denied promotions due to their race, and subjected to racist comments, harassment, and treatment, including an anonymous note that called one a “monkey.”
“My morale is in the gutter,” said plaintiff Keka Robinson-Luqman, an SFMTA employee who said she has been the victim of racist remarks and unequal pay. Lower-income has hindered her and her husband, an agency bus operator, from saving enough to buy a house and putting their daughter in full-time preschool, she said.