Consumer Law

DOJ Settles Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Alabama Sheriff for $2 Million

The Justice Department announced today that it has reached a settlement agreement with the Sheriff of Mobile County, Alabama, to resolve the department’s lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama alleging violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII).

The settlement agreement resolves the department’s allegations that female corrections officers at the Mobile County Metro Jail were regularly subjected to severe and pervasive sexual harassment in the workplace by male inmates and that, despite the employees’ numerous reports to jail supervisors objecting to the harassment, the sheriff’s office did not take the complaints seriously and failed to take prompt and effective action to remedy this harassing conduct.

The department’s lawsuit also alleges that male inmates harassed female employees assigned to the jail’s housing units by frequently exposing their genitals to and masturbating at them, and that inmates also directed sexual slurs, sexual propositions, threats of sexual violence and sexually degrading comments toward female employees.

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