Man Accused of 2020 Drive-By Shooting is Found Not Guilty

The defendant, 16 at the time yet tried as an adult, was accused of taking part in a 2020 drive-by shooting, which killed two men. However, the defendant had nothing to do with the crime — and his name was only associated with the case by a self-serving defendant that was given a sweetheart deal by the DA’s office. For three years, the defendant awaited his day in court and chance at vindication while behind bars.
Richard P. Coble, of van der Veen, Hartshorn, and Levin, represented the young man since the very beginning of the legal process, holding their hands every step of the way. By paying attention to details and through unflinching zealous representation, Mr. Coble was able to highlight the weaknesses, inconsistencies and lies in the statements and testimony of the Commonwealth’s “star witness” to show the prosecution’s case was a house of cards. The “investigation” by the police was nonexistent and instead relied upon social media innuendo and word of mouth. Once they were a given a name, they put on blinders that blocked out a mountain of evidence that pointed elsewhere. Mr. Coble was able to make sure the jury saw this mountain and consequently they let freedom ring from its peak.
The jury took less than a day to acquit Mr. Coble’s client.
This was Mr. Coble’s statement after the verdict. “Today, justice was served. An innocent young man no longer has the proverbial axe hanging over his head. These are the days I live for as a criminal defense trial attorney. However, while I am thrilled the wrongly accused is exonerated, I pray the victims’ families get peace through the police doing a proper investigation now and bringing the true culprits to justice. I consider that mandate to be a part of the jury’s verdict today as well.”