Civil Plaintiff

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of the Victims in Buffalo Shooting

A wrongful death suit has been filed on behalf of survivors and others affected by the 2022 racially-motivated shooting at Tops Friendly Markets in Buffalo where 10 people were killed, all of them Black, and three people were injured.

The suit was filed in the New York Supreme Court, Erie County, against social media platforms, gunmakers and Gendron’s parents. The complaint alleges that the shooter, Payton Gendron, was radicalized by the algorithms driving the social media products he used, which fed him increasingly racist, antisemitic, and violence-inducing content.

These “addictive algorithms,” in turn, maximized his engagement with the platforms and the corresponding advertising revenue to the companies, according to the suit. The suits further claims these “radicalized posts” also provided the training, access to equipment, and expertise to plan and execute the massacre.

Read the source article at insurancejournal.com

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