Consumer Law

A California School Board Member’s $87 Million Lawsuit Is Dismissed

A federal judge has thrown out an $87 million lawsuit that a San Francisco school board member filed against the district and her colleagues after they voted to strip her of senior board positions because of tweets that were widely criticized as racist.

Judge Haywood Gilliam, Jr. said in his ruling on Monday that the claims by Alison Collins, who was vice president of the San Francisco school board, had no merit and there was no need to argue the case in court, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Collins filed the lawsuit in March, accusing the San Francisco Unified School District and five of her colleagues on the seven-member board of violating her free speech rights when they voted in a 5-2 ruling to strip her of her position as vice president and remove her from committees due to tweets dating back to 2016, before she was a school board member.

Read the source article at Associated Press News

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