Civil Plaintiff

$1.5M Settlement for the Gas Spill in Savannah River

BELTON, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) – A fund of $1.5 million was recently established to protect and remediate water resources in Anderson County after a 2014 pipeline spill damaged waterways that feed the Savannah River.

The fund is the result of a settlement in a Clean Water Act lawsuit brought by the Southern Environmental Law Center on behalf of Augusta-based nonprofit Savannah Riverkeeper and South Carolina-based Upstate Forever.

The suit was filed in response to a 2014 spill of least 369,000 gallons of gasoline from a Kinder Morgan pipeline in Belton.

The $1.5 million will be placed in an account at the Foothills Community Foundation and set aside for watershed protection and to raise public awareness and engagement in protecting clean water.

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