Civil Plaintiff

Driver Injured in Semi-Truck Accident Settles for $1,300,000

Mr. Caron was driving home on dark and quiet Hwy 115 between Canon City and Colorado Springs when he came across a semi-truck that was blocking the road in an attempt to back into a driveway. Mr. Caron hit his brakes but was unable to avoid the semi-truck that was blocking the highway and hit it at 60 mph. Hundreds of pounds of pottery in the back of his car became deadly projectiles. Mr. Caron spent 4 days in the ICU with injuries including multiple fractured ribs, a fractured sternum, broken back, and bruised lungs.

Mr. Caron was represented by Lori Tolle, of Fuicelli & Lee, PC. This accident resulted in a $1,300,000 settlement for Mr. Caron.

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