Latino Parents Sue Pasadena Schools Alleging Discrimination

The parents of seven Latino elementary school students are suing the Pasadena Unified School District for discrimination after the district closed three elementary schools with a large Latino enrollment in 2019, according to a complaint filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court.
The Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a Latin American civil rights organization acting on behalf of parents, alleged in the lawsuit that by closing the Roosevelt, Jefferson, and Franklin elementary schools, the district was harming students and guaranteeing their right to one Education violated the state’s constitution, according to a MALDEF statement released Wednesday.
Some of the children who were relocated lost access to learning and special education programs at their previous schools, the lawsuit says. Some parents said their children’s transfer caused transportation difficulties and congestion at pick-up and drop-off points due to the influx of students and changes in their work schedules. Several students suffered from emotional distress, including major depression, and sought therapy after the transfer, the lawsuit says.
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