Relatives of Shooting Victims File a Lawsuit Against the Manufacturer of Gun Magazines Used by the Shooter

The high-capacity magazine used by the man who gunned down nine people in Dayton two years ago serves no purpose other than allowing for the killing of as many people as possible, family members of four victims alleged in a lawsuit against the magazine maker.
The complaint filed Sunday in Nevada accuses magazine maker Kyung Chang Industry USA Inc., of deliberately marketing and selling 100-round magazines of the kind used by Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts in the Aug. 4, 2019, attack.
The company made and sold 100-round magazines fully aware they “have no or negligible utility for lawful uses of firearms but pose a tremendous risk to public safety because they are extremely effective and attractive for use in unlawful mass shootings,” the lawsuit said.
The magazine allowed Betts to fire 41 rounds in 32 seconds in Dayton’s Oregon entertainment district before he was killed by police, according to the lawsuit.