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White Professor Sues Penn State Alleging Racial Discrimination

A white former assistant teaching professor has filed a lawsuit against Penn State, alleging the university racially discriminated and retaliated against him until his resignation in August 2022.

Zack De Piero, 40, served as an assistant teaching professor of English and Composition at Penn State-Abington from 2018 to 2022. During that time, he said he felt pressured by the administration to grade certain minorities easier, and he also objected to meetings and exercises seemingly centered on critical race theory, where white faculty were made to feel “terrible.” Once he reported what he perceived as discrimination, he believed university officials retaliated by filing a bullying and harassment complaint against him, in addition to handing him lower scores on his subsequent annual performance review.

About half of Penn State-Abington’s student population identifies as minorities. The commonwealth campus is Penn State’s most diverse campus.

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